Welding & NDT Institute is an accredited and certified educational and testing center by the Hellenic Society for Non-Destructive Testing (HSNT), the unique Greek certification body in non-destructive testing. H.S.N.T is member of the European Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (EFNDT) and of the World Organization for NDT (ICNDT). Training courses conducted by the Welding & NDT Institute have the approval of the Hellenic Society for Non-Destructive Testing (H.S.N.T), according to European and International standard EN ISO 9712 (Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of NDT personnel).

The Collaboration between Welding & NDT Institute and Global Training started in 2012. Through this collaboration, Welding & NDT Institute provides the suitable certification to trainees according to European and International standards while, at the same time offers specialized training programs adapted to the specific needs of each company.